eBook collections on the ProQuest platform

Collections: Business and Economics; Computer and IT; Globalization; History and Political Science; Language, Literature and Linguistics; Law, International Relations and Public Policy; Mathematics; Education; Life Sciences; Career Guides; Antropology and Sociology
- Access in campus all reading rooms equipped with computers, Intranet
Access off campus: YES, with institutional email
ProQuest, considered the world’s largest aggregator, has owned the Ebrary platform since 2011, which has become the market leader in the electronic book delivery segment for academia and research.
With an impressive number of over 496,000 documents on this platform, Ebrary proves to be the most important eBook platform in the world, a platform that offers access to publications from over 500 publishers, including: Amsterdam University Press, Elsevier , McGraw-Hill Book, Cambridge University Press, Informa Healthcare, Oxford University Press, SAGE Publications, Springer, Wiley – Blackwell, Palgrave Macmillan, Penn State University Press.
In Ebrary you can interact much more easily with the text of the book. Ebrary has taken advantage of the use of printed books by combining them with the benefits of electronic access.
From each collection presented above, the ASE Library purchased a number of 40 titles.
Ebrary eBooks are accessed from the Intranet (based on IP), but also from the Internet using an account created on the Ebrary platform (ProQuest) from the institution, registration with institutional email.
Business, Management and Economics eBook collection on the Emerald platform

- Collections: Business, Management and Economics
- Access in campus all reading rooms equipped with computers, Intranet
- Access off campus: YES, with institutional email
Emerald Publishing House is considered one of the most important publishing houses of economic literature in the world, and the purpose of this publishing house is to reduce the distance between academic research and daily practice in economics.
In addition to the topics in various specializations in the economic field: management, marketing, finance, banking, human resources, business, etc., important topics in research and education are addressed: educational management, research and innovation management.
Founded in 1967, Emerald Publishing includes 80 eBook collections and currently has over 2500 volumes in 10 thematic areas.
The ASE library offers access to the Business, Management and Economics collection – 1991-2012 archive
* From this collection the ASE Library has purchased a number of 86 eBook series titles.
The Emerald eBooks collection is accessed from the Intranet (based on IP), but also from the Internet using an account created on the Emerald platform from the institution, registration with institutional email.
Business and Economics eBook collection on the Springerlink platform

Collections: Business and Economics 2011
Access in campus: all reading rooms equipped with computers, Intranet
Access off campus: YES, through the Mobile Access service
Springer Publishing has included published books and encyclopedias on the Springerlink platform since 2006.
Springer / Nature eBooks currently has over 21 collections: Behavioral Science & Psychology, Biomedical & Life Sciences, Business & Management, Chemistry & Material Science, Computer Science, Earth & Environment, Economics & Finance, Law & Criminology, Mathematics & Statistics, Political Science & International Studies, Social Sciences etc.
The Business and Economics collection is considered one of the most important in the Springerlink Publishing House, which is proved both by the number of titles, but especially by the value of the published works. Among the most important titles: From Imagination to Innovation, Schuman Report on Europe, Econometrics, Case Studies in Logistics.
The ASE Library provides access to the Business and Economics 2011 collection.
* From this collection the ASE Library has purchased a number of 250 titles.
The Springer eBook collection can be accessed from the Intranet, but also from the Internet using the Mobile Access service (for account creation: https://www.e-nformation.ro/join-us). The Mobile Access account already created for the ANELIS PLUS resources provided by E-nformation is also valid for this resource.
Economics, Econometrics and Finance eBook collection on the ScienceDirect platform

- Collections: Economics, Econometrics and Finance
- Access in campus: all reading rooms equipped with computers, Intranet
Access off campus: YES, with institutional email
Through the ScienceDirect (Elsevier) platform, library users benefit from online access to full text, eBooks, scientific and academic content.
The ScienceDirect platform is a very important information resource, including publications of the Elsevier editorial group (publishers: Elsevier, Churchill Livingstone, Saunders, Mosby, Cell Press, Pergamon, Butterworth-Heinemann, Academic Press, The Lancet, JAI Press, North Holland, Masson) .
The ASE library has access to the Economics, Econometrics and Finance eBook collection (purchased in 2008).
Areas: economics, econometrics, finance, accounting, risk management.
The ScienceDirect eBooks collection is accessed from the Intranet, based on IP, but also from the Internet, using for connection an account created on the Elsevier platform from the institution, registration with institutional email.
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