Library access

The access to the collections and services of the Bucharest University of Economic Studies’ (ASE) Library is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Regulation on the functioning and organization of the ASE Library.
User categories

The following categories of users have access to the ASE’s Library:
Internal users – bachelor, master and doctoral students, teachers and associated teachers, researchers, postgraduate students and staff of the Bucharest University of Economic Studies; ASE retirees.
External users – foreign students included in ASE’s educational programs and projects; bachelor, master and doctoral students and teachers from other state and private higher education institutions; researchers from outside ASE; librarians; teachers in pre-university education; specialists in the economic and financial-banking field; other categories of occasional users.
! Internal users / specific users have priority access to the Library’s collections and services.
The library’s management reserves the right to approve or not the issuance of a library card for external users, depending on the existing study capacity at a given time. The library card for the last three categories of external users listed above is issued for a specified period (from 1 day to a maximum of one month).
The ASE Library reserves the right to limit the access of external users (except for foreign students included in ASE educational programs and projects) in certain periods, usually during the exam sessions, depending on the room occupancy level.

Access to the library’s collections and services is based on a library card, valid for both the central unit in Ion Angelescu building, and the branch libraries.
Bachelor, master and doctoral students and postgraduate students from ASE have access to the library based on the ID card issued free of charge by ASE after enrollment. The card is valid for the entire period in which they are registered in the ASE.
ASE teachers, researchers and staff have free access to the library, based on their employment card with bar code, issued upon enrollment in the institution.
The library card for external users is issued by the Library Registration Desk only after presenting all the documents necessary for issuing the library card and proof of registration fee payment, established at the beginning of each academic year and approved by the University Senate.
The documents required for issuing the library card for external users, depending on the category to which they fall, are:
identity card
- one ¾ ID type photo
- student card / ID approved for the current academic year (if applicable)
- certificate from the higher education institution he/she attends to certify the status (if applicable)
- approved employment card
receipt attesting the payment of the library card issuing fee
- registration form
- approved application form for granting an external user library card.
The library card is personal, non-transferable, and valid for a specified period of time, depending on the user category.

The Library Registration Desk is located in the central unit, Ion N. Angelescu building, 2nd floor, room 0216.
Monday – Thursday: 8:30 – 16:00
Friday: 8:30 – 13:30
Services offered by the Library Registration Desk:
- issuing library cards for external users
annual activation / endorsement of the card for internal users (on the first visit to the library, at the beginning of the academic year, regardless of place: reading room, borrowing center, library cards office, bibliographic service)
ascertainment of debts / penalties
approving the Clearance Form. The library’s written approval on the Clearance Form (along with the other necessary notices) can be obtained by sending the filled in Note form and a copy of the personal ID card to the email address: The electronic form is available here.
How much?
Access fees

Bachelor, master, doctoral and postgraduate students of ASE have free access to the library.
Associated teachers have a library card for accessing the reading rooms and granting the right to borrow library materials. The card is issued for a fee, according to the list of fees and charges approved for each academic year.
The issuance of the library card for external users, as well as its written approvals / periodic renewals are made based on the list of fees and charges. Library access cards can be granted for periods up to a year, depending on the user category, according to the library’s regulations.
The list of fees charged by the ASE library is available here, in PDF format.